Topic Research
It is urgent to re-apropriate our subjectivity.
It is urgent to re-apropriate our subjectivity.
It is urgent to re-apropriate our subjectivity.
What is subjectivity?
Is that thing that allows us to choose consciously.
It's consciousness in a way.
It self control.
Its freedom.
Its agency.
When did/do we loose it?
If we are not aware of how technologies shape us. We are disciplined to concent.

Data adds are made so that we see one specific reality.
How do technologies shape us?
How much data about individuas is out there?
How much are we being surveiled? Why? To protect who?
How much profit do companies like google make from our data?

What are the ethics of data?

They influence how we cunstruct societies, they influence in making decisions. Algorithms take decision but they discard "irrelevant outcomes"
They can influence our opinions (Facebook, memes...)
Joana Moll
How much are we being surveiled? Why? To protect who?
Foucault, dicipline & Punishment
Why is it so hard to decuntruct the cloud of information?

Companies make profit from it!
We are forced to not bother.
How do algorithms work?
Are there alternatives to it?
When/How do they fail?
There is subjectivity in how it works --> major flaws in recognzing faces(racial, gender biases).
Who are the people involved in the creation of AI?
How to decentrilize website
How does Data storage work?

What does it mean the end of the future?
"A holy predictable future is not a future it's continious present"
Can you produce data with unpredictable behaviour?

Are our behaviours predictable?

"Seamless design is an important dogma of dataism"
--> Manufactured consent
What is esthetic of the smooth?

Byung-Chul Han, Saving Beauty
Interrogates our preoccupation with all things slick and smooth, from Jeff Koon's sculptures and the iPhone to Brazilian waxing. Reaching far deeper than our superficial reactions to viral videos and memes, Han reclaims beauty, showing how it manifests itself as truth, temptation and even disaster.
Aesthetics in the internet

Algorithms measure the level of attractiveness Tinder
Pornography and algorithms --> fail to assess
What is the value of beauty?

What role does it play on the internet?

How is it related to truth?

Natural beauty is opposed to digital beauty. In digital beauty the
negativity of the other is entirely removed. It is therefore perfectly
smooth. It is not meant to contain any tear. Its signature is pleasure
without any negativity, namely the Like. Digital beauty forms a smooth
space of the same, which does not permit anything alien, any alterity,
to enter. The pure inside without any exteriority is the mode in which
it appears. It turns even nature into a window of itself. Thanks to the
total digitalization of being, there is a total subjectivizing, an absolute
subjectivity under which the human being only encounters itself.
Why do we associate our brains with algorithms?

Is it a good analogy?

When did it become problematic?

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WEEK 1 & 2
Theme: Migration Death in the Sea
1_ Aesthetics, Necropolitics, and Environmental Struggle, 2018.

2_ The Aesthetics of Necropolitics, Natasha Luchetich, 2018.

3_ Friction and the aesthetic of the smooth, Miriam Ralsh, 2020.

4_ Saving Beauty, Byung-chul Han, 2015.

5_ Psychopolitics. Neoliberalism and New Technologies of Power, Byung-chul Han. 2017.

6_ Ursula LeGuin --> The Killler Story

7_ Derrida --> Phallogocentrism

8_ Harraway -->

9_ James Bridle --> Dataism

10_ Paul Beatrice Preciado --> "La critique du viol c'est la critique fondatrice du patriarcat"
"Ce que j'appelle Patriarcat en temps que patriarcat c'est la définition nécropolitique de la masculinité"
"La masculinité souveraine c'est definie en temps que souveraine par l'usage des techniques des violence. Par rapport au non humain, par rapport aux enfants aux femmes. La masculinité en temps que souverain dans la mesure ou elle peut faire l'usage et avoir le monopole des techniques de la violence."
"Ça c'est le croisement des pratiques des désirs et des technique de la violence qui fait la solidité de l'hétérosexualité en temps que régime politique.""POLITIQUE DU DESIR""comment désirer autrement?"

11_ Like a Map Over Troubled Water: (Un)mapping the Mediterranean Sea’s Terraqueous Necropolitics, Laura Lo Presti, 2020

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Textual map 1
Textual map 2
Textual map 3
Index nº1
2.Necropolitics of masculinity
3.Migration in the Mediterranean Sea



1.Aesthetic autonomy
2.Aesthetic of the smooth vs Friction
3.(Un)mapping (im)mobility
The killer story
Sovereignty over the body
Resistance/emancipation of Power
Index nº2
1949 Mediterranean memory/ oceanic philosophy
1968 Phallogocentrism/ sovereign masculinity
1976 Biopower/sexuality
1986 The killer story/ New Narratives/ Feminism/ Post-Truth
1991 Human-Nature/ Feminism/ Post-truth
1994 Psycho-Politics
2012 Biopower/Necropolitics
2013 Necropolitics/refugees/political body/ activism
2014 Necropolitics/Art
2015 Aesthetics/ smooth/ Death
2017 Psychopolitics/ Technologies of Power/Idiotism/ emancipaction?
2018 Aesthetics autonomy/ Necropolitics/ climate crisis/ Resistance/ activism
2019 Necropolitics of masculinity / political body /
2020 Friction/Aesthetics/Necropolitics/Idiotism/Freedom/ refugees/ (im)mobility/ (un)mapping/ death/
Index nº3/visual map
migration crisis
Click text map
A tree fell down
August 3 2020, a branch fell down
A maple needs to be cut down
Silver Maple over 100 years in Heemraadssingel
Silver Maple over 100 years
Artist Fungi or Ganoderma
Silver Maple Trees
Silver maple is one of 14 native maples in the U.S. It is one of the maple species from which sugary sap is harvested for syrup, although its sugar content is the lowest of the sugar-producing maples. Silver maple grows in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 4 through 9, where it prospers for weeks in waterlogged conditions that most plants cannot survive. Its water-tolerant quality can also be its downfall, however, because of its susceptibility to fungal diseases that prosper in water.

Disease Susceptibility
Silver maple is also called soft maple because of the relative weakness of its wood. Fungal pathogens are opportunistic microorganisms that cannot easily penetrate a tree’s outer bark. But plants like silver maple, which have soft and weak wood, wound easily. It is through these wounds, even if they are tiny, through which fungi enter a tree and begin growing. This Achilles-heel susceptibility makes silver maple a target for numerous wood-rot fungal diseases, particularly cankers.

Fungal Cankers
Although various fungi can cause cankers, their effects on silver maple trees are similar. Pathogens colonize a tree and cause darkened lesions on the bark, which can spread and girdle tree trunks. As the girdling cuts off a tree's water and nutrient transport, yellow or brown leaves may be the first symptom you notice. As a defense mechanism, a tree may form a callus that grows around the infected areas and continues to grow as the disease spreads. Silver maple is particularly vulnerable to Eutypella canker, which is caused by the fungal pathogen Eutypella parasitica, and Cytospora canker (Cytospora spp. fungi). Cankers are typically 3 to 10 feet high on tree trunks, and they may grow 3 feet long.
coprinus comatus
Nils Bubandt and Anna Tsing, “An Ethnoecology for the Anthropocene”
Theme: Trees in Cities
Visual Research
Content Research
-Becoming with

Important Words for the Zine
-Life form
-Pre-traumatic stress
-Seed Sovereignty